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Anyone using the gym during any of our classes and programmes does so at their own risk. Next level fitness accepts no responsibility for illness, injuries, or other medically related accidents however caused when in the premises or in the outdoor carpark; neither the loss or damage of personal property which any user of the facility may take with them. 


Once you sign up to a programme or class at NLF, you do so at your own risk. Please consult a doctor before taking part in any exercise.

Gym Tools

Refund Policy

NLF cannot refund or transfer any memberships bought on our website or booking app. Memberships are non-contractual. Memberships and programme purchases cannot be frozen or used at a later date. 


Booking desposits and part payments for programmes are strictly non-refundable. Once signing up to a programme or membership, payment cannot be refunded once made.

Interested in working with us? Submit your interest here!

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